Wo gibt es noch irgendwelche Briefmarken-Automaten in Deutschland?
Aktuell. Bei mir im Umkreis sind alle verschwunden, gibt es irgendwo noch welche?
Aktuell. Bei mir im Umkreis sind alle verschwunden, gibt es irgendwo noch welche?
Hallo, ich habe aktuell nur Aufenthaltserlaubnis und pass habe ich noch nicht bekommen. Ich wollte fragen ob man nur mit Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach Spanien fliegen darf.
Ich habe etwas aus Korea bestellt und wollte einpaar teile zurückgeben.Mir wurde per Mail die Rücksende Adresse geschickt, allerdings existiert keine Postleitzahl. Ist das normal bei koreanischen Adressen? Wird es trotzdem von Dhl akzeptiert?
Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile vom Wehrpflicht? Ich finde Disziplin könnte der Jugend gut tun, findet es ihr auch? – BITTE MIT BEGRÜNDUNG –
Hallo, es wurde letzte woche Donnerstag, Freitag Samstag gestreikt bei der Post. Wie kann es dann aber sein, dass ich an den Streiktagen trotzdem Post bekommen habe? Und bei anderen wiederum denen ich Post zugeschickt habe, diese noch nicht erhalten haben , obwohl ich letzte Woche Dienstag die Post abgeschickt hab. Kann da jemand was…
Habe vor 10 Tagen bei Media Markt bestellt und seit dem hat sich der sende Status nicht geändert. Habe vor 2 Tagen die Nachricht erhalten das es zur lieferverzögerung kommt. Bezahlt wurde schon mit giropay. Ist ein verspätetes Weihnachtsgeschenk
Habe mir von jemanden auf Snapchat ein packet bestellt, ich habe ihm das Geld schon überwiesen und er meinte packet sei schon geschickt. Ich habe Tage gewartet, habe ihm immer wieder geschrieben doch er hat mich auf zugestellt gelassen. Endlich nach 5 tagen schrieb er zurück und meinte ja sei packet noch nicht angekommen, er…
Here at the Postbank-Filiale there are still two pieces, and at other locations in the area.
Under https://www.deutschepost.de/de/s/sites.html By the way, you can also search for stamp machines (under “filters” and there with “post and parcel customers”).
Thank you, but this list is not true. I just checked, all are still listed, which would be relevant to me. They all disappeared.
It is very annoying to stand up at the switch for a stamp of over 30 minutes in the long snake.
This is also different, for example: https://www.deutschepost.de/de/m/mobile-briefmarke.html
Or you order a small stock on https://shop.deutschepost.de/briefing/briefing marks (from 20 euros free of shipping costs).
Smaller postal branches in the retail sector are often less visited (including because they often do not offer postal services) and also sell stamps.
The idea with the location search would be good if the information was up to date. The mail does not seem to be necessary to remove dismantled machines from the location search. This is the case at least for the branch near me.
Yes, that this information seems not to be kept up-to-date, unfortunately, I noticed. In my area, I also see a location where the machine was dismantled months ago.
Then my third tip remains.
I know that. But in my family, it’s about older members who don’t like the new procedure at all.And honestly, then you can send emails immediately.
I don’t know any machines now.
Just a little hint – you can also buy Porto online
I know that. But in my family, it’s about older members who don’t like the new procedure at all.And honestly, then you can send emails immediately.
If the older members have not developed a social phobia, there are also post offices in supermarkets in every larger village.
There they can also buy quite normal stamps.
not drive long
isn’t it just as shameful – just to get rid of a stamp? or stay in the snake for a long time?
there is a great tip: if you know an elderly person who needs a stamp at times – then you’re a nice person – and if you buy the next time – you buy a 10 pack – then he has a stamp at his hand in the summer and it doesn’t need to get rid of every one.
There are more and more unpacked shops around the corner.
I’m not a fan of the machines, but for the spontaneous dispatch you can be grateful not to have to drive long enough or to have to get into the horrendous long snakes.
moment- now a stupid question:
someone who calls themselves environmental protection wants to hang machines out of metal everywhere and fills with cardboard what no one needs anymore…
p.s. also older people can continue to buy stamps in any store(most supermarkets have a DHL shop- and now say nciht again: they have to go there too – yes, they have to buy even when they buy food
For this, you have to drive with the climate-damaging car or not E-busesen. Precisely older people are not to teach that they are to get on the bike or write false emails to protect the environment.
There’s a stamp machine in front of my post office. I guess that’s all right. I hope you’re not too far.
Degraded everywhere in my circle. Also in the surrounding area and in the cities of my acquaintance.
All right. But there are also older family members in my area, and some of them have to be sent to the post office in 2023, and friends too: both of them have been laughing. That is why the question at all.
For example, in the forefront of my postfiluals.
With me and around my acquaintances and relatives, all the machines have really disappeared. In some cases there were even several per branch, all disappeared in the last weeks and days.