Where can I find a crochet pattern for these birds?
I want to know where I can find crochet patterns for these beautiful birds. I've only been able to find pre-crocheted dolls.
I want to know where I can find crochet patterns for these beautiful birds. I've only been able to find pre-crocheted dolls.
I have two balls of this yarn. I think the colors are super cool, but I can't think of anything else I could do with it… any ideas?
What do you think of my 7 minute drawing? Greetings 🙂
The pattern says "increase 4Ă—12 and 4Ă—13 stitches in every other row." Can someone explain to me exactly what that means?
Hello folks, I sometimes hear a bird singing around here. I find the song beautiful and would like to know what kind of bird it is. Can anyone tell me? Here is a short recording https://vocaroo.com/o8XMkgJt3Ik (unfortunately I don't know how to set audio data on Gutefrage). Would be great if someone could identify the…
Hello dear gf community Unfortunately, a chick in the egg squeaked so loudly that the hen wanted to help free it. When I examined the chick, I noticed that it was bleeding from its cloaca, but the bleeding stopped immediately. It's now motionless under the hen; it twitches and squeaks occasionally, but… will it survive?…
Hello, A few days ago I found some old paint at my mother's (either acrylic or oil) she said she had bought it on a school trip to the GDR and before I use it I would like to know if it could be toxic Lg Ps: I don't speak Russian so I have no…
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