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The most popular Currywurst shops in southern Germany:
According to the ranking, the best curry sausage comes from Munich in southern Germany. No one’s coming to Best Worscht in Town. On the squares two and three Körri Karl in Landshut and the sausage snack Teltschik, which is also found in the capital of the country.
Self-made in your own kitchen, no snack can stop there.
Working activity, among others, do not allow time
You don’t conjure a 5* menu with 3 courses, it’s just curry sausage. It won’t take long. You have to come to the snack and hire yourself. In time you have prepared it yourself.
at my oma, where else
In the Ruhrpott
After my knowledge at the Frittenbude in front of the media market in Cologne-Marsdorf.
Equally excellent meat quality and very well matched curry sauce.
Both Berlin and Hamburg claim to have invented the currywurst. However, only Herta Heuwer from Berlin, who was supposed to invent the Currywurst in 1949, has filed a patent.
Ruhr area. In the Bermuda Triangle.
Curry 24 in Dresden
With me at home
In Bochum! ♥
So, for me it is the best curry sausage ever! The “Bratwursthaus” has existed since 1952 and is really very (!) known.
Since I don’t live in Bochum… I order the sausage and sauce online and then prepare the sausage at home. For this I even bought these cardboard trays and the picker labels – for the flair of a curry sausage bud!
I then put myself at home to the treses and enjoy the curry sausage … then the song “Currywurst” by Herbert Grönemeyer fits! He sung this “Currywurst” on his album “Bochum” … *ha
Curry Wolf in Berlin and Potsdam
Of course with me
Thanks and where are you?
Ok Fritten are self-made of therefore 5 euros;-)
How much does a portion cost?😂
I recommend eating vegan curry sausage!
here, with me at home