Wo gewinnen Autohäuser am meisten?
Stimmt das, dass Autohäuser den meisten Gewinn nicht mehr mit dem Verkauf von Autos machen?
Es seien eher die Werkstatt und Leasingverträge die gewinnbringenderen Einnahmen.
Ist das heutzutage so?
Ich bedanke mich im Voraus!
Viele Grüße!
Hi, that’s correct. Most car manufacturers even make loss with any car that they sell.
They then make money with the service and spare parts.
Wow! What makes the car houses constantly expand the range?
Although the profit margin (for new cars) in Germany is relatively high (against other EU countries), most of the money is actually earned by service.
This is why car houses also try to tie the buying customer to the workshop.
Does this mean that new-car sales are nowadays used rather than customer acquisition?
Many car houses (contract dealers) actually hardly earn anything in new cars. Located on the greedy customers who are only on discounts.
You can earn money on used cars. Most of the workshop services.
What about leasing?
I think the car houses deserve with all sorts of money, more with the sale of new cars
That means leasing and workshop?
Workshop, service, parts, possibly also leasing
Yes that’s right
How is it?
Because the customers can make an offer for a new car purchase from, for example, Ford dealers, and then show the offer to the next Ford dealer, which is subcontracted, then it goes back to the first and so on.