Wo gelbe seerose bekommen?
Wie kann ich eine gelbe seerose (nuphar lutea) bekommen es ist wichtig weil es wirkt wie Opium wenn man es raucht
bestellen geht nicht ,meine eltern machen es auf meine freunde wollen nicht , packstation geht nicht weil ich unter 18 bin , es wächst nicht in seen und gärtnereien haben es auch nicht
It is not a lake but the yellow pond rose. You get them in spring in gardens and construction markets that offer pond accessories. It also grows wild in many ponds and lakes in Germany.
Although they contain alkaloids, you cannot expect the effect to be opium-like. People have known this plant for millennia, the seeds have been used for a long time as food, if there were something pleasant intoxicating in it, the knowledge would have spread just as much as the properties of other toxins and noise plants.
Again and again so modern fairy tales appear about the alleged effect of any kind. Mostly, nothing’s up.
if you smoke the roots then I have tested it
That’s interesting. Was there any side effects? Were the pupils small? And can you be sure it was really roots of this plant?
All right. Thanks for the first-hand information.
Did he know you were there?
pond of my father he removed it
Where were the roots?
There was no side effect
All worries and problems were gone everything just felt and I was relaxed and happy
let the fingers of it! an acquaintance had to go to intensive care
I have done well
It’s a pity that there aren’t yellow sea roses everywhere and always. Try with angel wallpapers, also very effective
Thank you.
I hope you will continue with it and wish you all the best!
and I am with the psychologist
I now take 10 mg escitalopram
Have you ever been with a doctor in this respect?
That’s very dangerous, you know. I don’t want to advise you now, so I don’t know too much. The red lamps shine with me. Let me help you. Don’t even depend on Lippomade. It’s degrading for a free man. I wish you learned to feel comfortable even without substances. Sports should help, especially running.
I just want to feel good because without substance I’m not good
Why do you want to poison yourself deliberately?
I had a good effect but stopped because of different amount of active substance and because the active substances are too toxic