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Mauritius and Cyprus are beautiful. Great culture, open people, dreamy surroundings and beautiful beaches.
If it is to be abroad, then in any case these two. Germany also has quite beautiful spots 🙂
Live already in the German holiday region number 1!!!
From that point of view: Why go away when the good is so close? XD
So I’m doing something with us in the region! It is also really very beautiful with us! 🙂 Walk through the forests and fields and swim in the chiems etc. Or go to a high mountain for a bread time… depending on the pleasure and mood!
To Turkey in a 5 star hotel. Just a dream, huge buffet for every taste, thousands of bars in different corners, very intense wellness offers, top weather, no rain and right next to the sea
My favourite destination is Egypt. But look at other countries.
I like to travel in general and was already in many places that have loved me but I am going to the North Sea. Or the Baltic Sea.
I haven’t been on vacation for a long time, but I would like to see Provence or France again in general.
I prefer to fly to Fr**** and I prefer to go home.