Wo findet man diese Orte auf dieser Karte?
Ich suche:
Harry Potter Warner Bros studios
Temple church
Die sollen in London sein, ich finde sie aber hier nicht.
Hat jemand vielleicht eine bessere Karte, wo auch leavsden und watford usw. Drauf ist und das bitte einkreisen..
Ich wäre sehr dankbar (muss eine Präsentation über diese Orte halten und die Orte auf dieser Ksrte zeigen.)
Temple Church is near Themse, i.e. Waterloo and Blackfriars Bridge. The HP Studios are very far outside London, in the northwest.
Thank you, so isn’t that london? Where can I find both places on just one map.
Emm, no, that’s not ‘ganz’ London, but only the ‘inner city’.
There is a large London area, which is still much larger!
Either search in iNet, make OR ScreenShots e.g. from GoogleMaps. To do this, I would advise anyway, because depending on the fact that it is NOT offered to use only one card! Large space, city, center…
I’m 17.
It affects the formulation of my answer! =;-)
What does that have to do with my question?
How old are you?
Where do I get the map?
on this map you can see how to Harry Potter Warner Bros studios come:
About Templesee here:
PS: Temple at least Royal Courts of Justice; You can find it on your map.
Harry Potter Warner Bros studios the far outsideas if you could record it on your card.
It should be noted, however, that the entrance to the Warner Bros Studio Tour (“The Making of Harry Potter”) must be booked in advance.
A spontaneous entry on site is not possible and you often have to try for a reserved appointment in advance.
So take care of it in time…
Thank you. I hold a presentation about it and the teacher wants me to introduce a map of London with these two places. Is that mine?