Wo finde ich solche Perlen?
Also diese Perlen, die nicht rund sondern irgendwie andersförmig sind und glänzen. Im Bild sind jetzt die schwarzen gemeint. Was müsste ich jetzt z.B bei Amazon eingeben, um solche zu finden? Weil bei mir kommen nur so normale runde Perlen dann raus.
These are black, square glass beads
More selection
https://www.amazon.de/s?k=glass beads+black+lateral&_mk_en_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%C3%95%C3%91&crid=2295FEYYGX55&sprefix=glass beads+black+ square%2Caps%2C96&ref=nb_sb_sb_noss
Good evening Potatoe293,
and cordial thanks for your awarded ⭐, Margita
They are called “faceted” or “crystal beads”.
Buttinette in many colors and sizes
https://basteln-de.buttinette.com/shop/a/faceted glass beads-lila-rosa-transparent-48-mm-o-50-g-53236
The beads are hot facet beads.
If you’re looking for Amazon, you’ll find what you’re looking for.)
If you want to have a specific color or size you can also look for it, only unfortunately do not have everything at Amazon.
But there are no shops for beads.
The mother of a friend always buys the pearls she needs, only doesn’t know where she buys them exactly.