Wo finde ich Infos über Nachtzüge?


ich möchte von Berlin Hbf nach Stockholm Central fahren (Zug: EN 13402).

Jedoch steht bei jeder Website etwas anderes.

Bei der DB steht, ich kann ein Ticket buchen. Bei dem Anbieter SJ Nord steht, der Zug sei ausgebucht, allerdings steht das bei denen auch für Züge in 2 Monaten, was ich nicht ganz glaube…

Außerdem steht bei SJ, dass der Zug in Flensburg und Neumünster hält, die DB sagt, er tut dies nicht.

Worauf kann ich mich da verlassen und wo finde ich konkrete und korrekte Infos?

Danke! 🙂

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8 months ago

I cannot find an EN 13402, only the EN 346, on the homepage of the Deutsche Bahn, from Berlin Gesundbrunnen at 18:37.

This is all very confusing! I would personally go to a train desk in Berlin and buy the ticket there.

The provider is “SJ EuroNight”:


At the moment the train seems to get rid of Gesundbrunnen, later in Berlin Hbf, then already at 15:54. It is only stated that he goes to Berlin and ends in Stockholm.


With the EN 13402 you only seem to be able to drive on a Saturday, next on 17. August, at 15:54 from Berlin Hbf, if I didn’t dare.


According to Homepage Deutsche Bahn, the train runs on 17. August, however, not. On 18.08., however, one would drive as EN 346.

For example, on 18. August you could also drive with the D 10300, from Berlin Hbf 19:58. The carrier would be Snälltåget.

Among these two providers you can choose according to my information:




The trains of the latter company do not carry sleeping cars on the relation Berlin – Hamburg -Stockholm.

Where does Deutsche Bahn say you can book a ticket?

SJ Nord is not the provider of railway connections from Berlin to Sweden. SJ Nord is a Norwegian company.

No, the night trains of the Swedish state railways (SJ) are not currently in Schleswig-Holstein. If you are interested in the related news, you can read it here:


Long speech, short sense: I would inform myself on the homepage of the Swedish state railways, where you can also buy your ticket. Nevertheless, I would additionally compensate for the traffic days and departure times of the train you want on the homepage of the Deutsche Bahn.


8 months ago

The official page is here:
