Where can I find Netflix, Disney, etc. in the MagentaTV app on my Fire TV Stick?
Hello, I booked MagentaTV yesterday, including Netflix, Disney+, and RTL+. Now I want to stream the whole thing using the MagentaTV app on my Amazon Fire TV Stick. However, I read on the website that if I want to log in or watch Netflix or Disney, I always have to do it using the Magenta app, otherwise my existing subscriptions will be renewed at the old price. Unfortunately, I can't find my streaming providers in the Magenta TV app on my Amazon Fire TV Stick. Can anyone tell me where I can find the providers in the app or how I can stream the external providers using the app on my Fire TV Stick? Thanks 🙂
If you’re on the home of the fire stick you just have to go to the search box, with the magnifying glass, and enter Magenta tv there. The app where only Magenta tv stands is the right one. Gen 1 is no longer going.