Wo finde ich günstig Mosaiksteinchen?

Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte bald ein Mosaikprojekt starten und bin auf der Suche nach günstigen Mosaiksteinchen oder Alternativen wie Fliesenresten aus dem Baumarkt, die man für Mosaike nutzen kann. Habt ihr Tipps, wo ich solche Materialien (am besten kiloweise) bekommen kann, vielleicht auch online oder in Geschäften? Und ist es eine gute Idee, Fliesen selbst zu zerschlagen?

Ich freue mich auf eure Ratschläge und Erfahrungen! ☺️☀️

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5 months ago

it’s a bad idea to try to do something like that. that’s handcrafted and you can’t even do that.

and at least not at all.

you need the material in the appropriate thickness, you need professional tool and such color shade you will find only and exclusive with natural stone.

very seriously, I would personally only publish this on social media if I am sure that there might be 3 out of 2 million people if they wanted it.

if the top picture is a fussbodenbild, e.g. a badezimmer, we speak as a commission work of a price of around 100,000 euros. it should be marble and semi-finish stones.

the image of the sea is added – more or less. there is not all the same high – probably a garden picture and it is not walkable. I see mainly granite, slanted and shimmering, or perhaps also calcined. for the nautical leaves – nee, that a laie can not be alone, but if you can cut these pieces, it could go.

the small picture – that can anyone who is in a position to get a few sacks of uniform, flat kiesel in different colors. you usually take for dikes.

5 months ago

Hello, I gave the back wall for my new kitchen at the stove over 3 years ago with a self-made mosaic.

But my picture was pixel type. That’s all I trusted.

I bought the stones for this at an online store, 1 × 1 cm, in different colours.


I hung a picture of my mosaic so you know what the stones look like.

Have fun.

5 months ago

Hu could break the old bottles into small pieces. They are available in all colours.

Otherwise just look out for construction sites and ask if you can have a few old flows from the construction waste container.