Wo finde ich eine Liste der günstigen Autos im Unterhalt?


ich habe schon recherchiert und jede Seite sagt was anderes.

Mir fehlt es an Erfahrung um einschätzen zu können, welche Kosten realistisch sind.

Kann man eventuell bei einer Versicherung anrufen um eine Liste anzufordern?


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4 years ago

Since the maintenance costs differ as well as dei vehicle holders, this is not as easy. According to the respective classifications in your damage classifications or accident damage statistics, therefore, the insured persons differ and one can compare this only over a basic value is 100% means amount X .

Thus you can compare insurance companies and if then still special classifications / discounted due to driving safety trainings or garage use and what there is still so much is really complicated.

For many years, I have a free insurance broker who also regulates this in case of damage for me. costs a few euros more … but it’s worth it all

He can and will create your individual offer so that you can be satisfied and an insurer is not judged what he costs but also what he does.. And there are the differences.

3 years ago

Smart is very cheap in insurance in tax and also in consumption

4 years ago

If you want to save

the “3 liter car”
VW Lupo extra lightweight construction (e.g. tailgate made of magnesium) the car consumes extremely little in addition insurance favorable and tax also.

I recommend you to buy a cheap older car e.g.

Astra G the costs with new TÜV and guarantee maximum 1,500€ with acceptable mileage.
If the car is broken, residual value is 500€.

Repairs cheap tax also insurance and consumption like any usual petrol/diesel.

With modern cars everything is new and chic, however, these are often more susceptible (see VAG).

4 years ago

Insurance 500-800€ per year, depending on whether part-casco or volkaskso

refueling depends on the distance

tires are eventually gone and need to be renewed

service best private letting