Wo finde ich die steuernummer?
Hallo zsm,
Ich brauche meine steuernummer aber weiß nicht wo man es findet ob jeder aus der familie eigene hat oder alle nur eine ? Und nur einer aus der familie arbeitet er hat eine steuernummer aber mehr weis ich auch nicht
The Tax number you will find on the tax decision of your tax office and any letter from the tax office, for example, to request documents concerning your tax return.
If you are Tax identification number mean:
A tax ID has every person who lives in Germany automatically. So you don’t have to ask for her. You can find your tax ID:
Sure you mean “control number” and not the “control ID”?
These are two different numbers.
The control ID can be found:
Each person living in Germany has its own tax ID.
PS: The tax office is not responsible for its communication.
The tax number, on the other hand, is a record of the tax office under which you are virtually guided there. For example, you can find them on tax debits or on writing the tax office and get assigned for the first time after you have given a tax return.
In the tax decision. It will be assigned to you individually by the tax office if you surrender a tax return.
Or you mean your tax ID. She was sent to you by post a few years ago. Bzw your parents shortly after your birth.
Already exhaustively answered by Mungukun.
There is still the possibility that you do not have a tax number.
This could be the case if you’ve never made a statement before and never noticed the tax office.
What do you need her for?
To open an account
To open an account with a bank, you do not need the tax number, but the tax identification number.
It needs the bank to register the capital income tax.
Have you ever worked? If so, you will find your tax number on your pay bill
This is not the tax number, but the tax identification number. A tax number is something else.
The tax number is not on the payroll.
On the other hand, the tax Id (the FS means this).