Wo fängt man mit Leistungschwimmen an und was braucht man dafür?

Hallo ich bin gerade auf der suche nach einem Sport und ich liebe schwimmen mache das aber nur so zur Freizeit .

Ich bin in den letzten Tage auf schwimmen Leistungssport gestoßen mit Wettkämpfen also schnell schwimmen .

Ich selbst bin 15 Jahre und habe Silber wohne in der Nähe von Hamburg in meiner Stadt gibt es keine Schwimmhalle und ich weiß nicht wo ich anfangen soll und was man als Abzeichen braucht und wie man sich auf den Sport vorbereiten .

Hat Jemand Tipps oder Erfahrung ?

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6 months ago

You need a main location that you can swim well that you will then continue to train and you don’t really need bad signs you can also swim badly that will get you better with just you should be able to swim and get a swimming pool by transport

5 months ago


nice to hear that you are interested in power swimming.

For the beginning, don’t worry that you’re 15 already, many start sooner, but 15 is still a good age to get really good. In any case, silver is enough as a badge and you like to swim, which is a good preparation. Since you don’t have a swimming pool nearby you have to see if you have outdoor swimming pools, these often also have clubs where you can train in winter, so all year round. If you found the right club for you, you will log in. Then there is a sample training where your performance is assessed. What I recommend to you for power swimming:

  1. glasses, for example from Arena or Speedo
  2. a competition swimwear e.g. from Arena or Speedo

There comes more after a certain time, such as a bath cap or pullboy, but this should be enough for the beginning.

I hope I could help.

Questions in the comments 🙂

5 months ago

by looking for a swimming club and training there

6 months ago

Do you have swimming lessons at school? We used to be a matter of course, but I heard you have to ask these days. If so, I’d ask the sports teacher if he knows something.

Is a place accessible by indoor pool from you by public transport? Then look for the terms “Schwimmverein” and “Schwimmtraining” in combination with the place. Regardless of whether the offer has a 100% matching effect, ask the contact persons who let themselves go and ask who you can contact in the bathroom you reach.

5 months ago

I would first look for a small club. There must be one somewhere. If this doesn’t work, the PLZ can be written, I’ll hunt it through our club finder.

The way to sports is a long one and should not be rushed, but in general everything is possible.