Wo endet Tempo 30?
bei uns in der Stadt gibt es jetzt zu gewissen Uhrzeiten Tempo 30 bei manchen Straßen.
Ich frage mich wo Tempo 50 (wenn nicht extra ausgeschildert) ändert. An einer Kreuzung (Standard, 4 Richtungen), wenn ich zB links oder rechts abbiege, steht kein Tempo 30 Schild. Heißt dass das dort 50 kmh gefahren werden können (es fahren dort die meisten 50)?
Gleiche Frage bzgl. Kreuzung wenn ich geradeaus darüber fahren und dort nicht nochmal extra auf Tempo 30 zu Uhrzeit X hingewiesen wird …?
Vielen Dank vorab.
The speed limit applies to the further course of the road. Until either this street ends or a sign says something in opposite directions. So if you’re just going straight over a cross, then there’s not something that’s automatically eliminated.
If you turn off, you’re not on the same road anymore. On another street. A speed limit on a road that you do not drive has no validity for you.
In principle, a speed limit would be valid for you on the new road, which was already signposted for this road before this intersection. But you can’t know that because you didn’t get past it and you don’t know about it either. Therefore, a violation of this speed limit against you could not be enforced; means: If you were flashed, you could successfully contest the decision.
Speed limits do not have to be repeated at mouths or crossings – even if this would be useful in many places.
A speed limit ends either with the lifting sign or at the local sign, alternatively as soon as it is replaced by a new speed limit.
Tempo 30 either signposted as a zone, Tempo-30 Zone: These rules apply here (adac.de)
Judgment: Speed limit before school | ADAC
It’s not a zone. Just a “normal” speed sign. So it’s just “more.” Just wondering because when you get from the left (one comes from the highway shortly before) is Tempo 50 (so no 30 shield). if you just drive over the intersection. But if I come from the right (where at some time 30 is), then turn right so that I would also be on the same road for me 30 .. for which the left came (from the direction of the highway 50) … there is no other sign where this raises or indicates… very noticeable