Wo darf man in Deutschland campen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich würde ganz gerne mal campen gehen, jedoch wurde mir von einem Freund gesagt, dass wildcampen in Deutschland illegal sein soll. Deshalb wollte ich nachfragen wo und wie ihr das macht, darf man wirklich nur auf einem Campingplatz campen oder gibt es bestimmte Wälder in denen das erlaubt ist? Ich bin übrigens aus Bayern falls es da zwischen den Bundesländern irgendwelche Unterschiede gibt.
Liebe Grüße
In the woods, the National Forest Lawe of the federal states.
In the open landscape you need the permission of the owner of the area.
If you want to camp off the campsites, you will only stay abroad. Here Scandinavia or, for example, Poland: Poland allows free stay in 425 forest areas
Where there is a mark on this card:
Trekking places are still the most natural
Here you can find private tents:
Contrary to the many prohibition responses here, I have made bike tours through Germany in the 90s and have always stayed in the tent. You can’t be seen from the way…
Except for campsites only on private areas with permission of the owners. We’re talking about Germany. Everything’s regulated.
Otherwise at your own risk, where nobody sees you. We always did this on our bike tours in the 80s.
You can only sleep on camping pitches, otherwise only one night, “if you could not drive further by car”…
Wildcamps in Germany: You need to know – Outdoor Blog for Consulting, Know How & Inspiration (globetrotter.de)
You can camp only on campsites. That’s it. Whoever does the wild pays a deft fine. And if you spread dirt, much more.
You don’t think the wild campers take their shit.
We used to make IMMER. 😎
I’m saying, that’s why it gets even more expensive.
Ask for a peasant ðŸ ̃‰
Your friend’s right.
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