Wo darf ich meine FPV Copter/Drohne fliegen und hin mitnehmen?
Ich habe vor, mir eine 4 Zoll, 250g FPV Renndrohne anzuschaffen. Allerdings weiß Ich nicht wo man 250g Drohnen (A1 soweit ich weiß) Fliegen darf und wie man sie ins Ausland mitnimmt.
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LG Showi
You’ll find all this at the Federal Aviation Office.
Also, not only the weight is decisive. The potential for danger also plays a role. But more at LBA.
To do this, you need a certificate of competency (“Drohnen-Führerschein”). The best way to do this before is because these topics are also dealt with.
You can’t fly here:
In FPV, it should also be noted that you theoretically always need a spotter, as it is a requirement that visual contact must exist at any time – which is not the case if you have the glasses.
Here you will find some EU countries and their rules, registration as well as a portal for the proof of competence as far as necessary…
Lg Blueberry