Wo Bundesliga am günstigsten?
Grüezi mitenand,
ich würde mir gerne die Bundesliga anschauen aber ich habe es satt diese schlechten illegalen Streams anzuschauen. Ich will aber keine 25 Euro monatlich für Sky bezahlen…viel zu viel! Welcher Anbieter zeigt BuLi und CL am güntigsten oder mit welchem VPN-Standort kann ich wo ein günstiger Abo abschliessen?
You will not find it, because there are very few to show the right Bundesliga at all.
with only 2 providers are known- so pay or not look. There is nothing
With a little research I found this here, but cannot guarantee that it works
Write me to I tell you
In my knowledge, there is no rightholder for BL and CL who offers the offer cheaper.
Hi, molotovpro.
Also I don’t see spending monthly money to watch football.
However, you don’t come around because there is no free transmitter that transfers the games.
I am happy with the public legal, that I always look at, otherwise the radio.
Believe me, this is also exciting.
With sporting greetings, Renate. ⚽️
You Bundesliga rights are exclusive to Sky on Saturdays and Fridays and Sundays at DAZN. There are no other options.