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2 years ago

This depends on the rate on your route.

Normally there is a choice between 1st and 2nd class when buying the ticket.

In contrast, there are different solutions for journeys within traffic networks, e.g. that for the 1st class you must also buy a children’s ticket or a special additional ticket.

2 years ago

This only goes at the normal price, as you get online/on the machine, as shown at the FV both. Not for countries and QDL tickets. It is much more difficult to connect.

2 years ago

This depends on where you’re going…

If it’s just “Regio”, you can specify this in the normal ticket booking on the machine or on the net, asking for the class. In traffic associations, this is regulated differently, which sells a traffic network directly tickets for the 1st. Class, the other one sells a separate 1st class surcharge, so you have two tickets at the end.

2 years ago

You can choose from the automatic car.

In close traffic, the difference is often not so great, but the first class is usually less full; in full draws it offers a possibility to escape the mass.

2 years ago

Not every train has a first class. Otherwise you can book them where you can book any other class.

2 years ago