Wo bleiben meine Tage?
Also ich bin 14 und werde Anfang November 15.
Nun ist es so, dass ich meine erste Periode dieses Jahr am 29. April bekommen habe und diese so ca. 3-4 Tage lang war. Es waren schwache Blutungen, für die schon eine normale Binde gereicht hat. Also sie war eher schwach ( auch die schmerzen waren schwächer.
Jetzt ist es allerdings so dass es nur bei der einen Periode geblieben ist! Das heißt mehr als 3 Monate sind vergangen und es war rein gar nichts.
Ich hab ab und zu das Gefühl gehabt ich würde sie kriegen, aufgrund Symptomen die ich PMS zugeschrieben habe aber das waren dann doch nicht meine Tage.
Ich weiß dass sie am Anfang unregelmäßig sind, aber so unregelmäßig kann das doch nicht sein???
Liegt es daran wie viel mein Körper groß und schwer ist? ( 1,59 m und 40,9 kg).
Hat jmd eine Idee? Danke im Vorraus.
Between the first and second periods can also be months.
The body has no calendar and above all at the beginning this is still quite irregular. The body doesn’t know that yet, how does it happen? He knows he has to do this sometime, but he only has a rough guide how it works. He doesn’t know when he has to send to and from what of the many hormones. The body is happy to get confused. You always say that it can take up to 3 years until the body has played. Besides, you don’t even know your cycle length.
But even after he has played himself, it is not unusual if the period does not come exactly to the point. You always say shifts of 1-7 days are still normal after these 3 years. If factors such as stress, medicines, weight etc. are added, the period can sometimes fail or shift more strongly.
If your second period hasn’t arrived in 6 months, you should go to the gynecologist for a reason. Your second period will come soon. When exactly that will be, no one can tell you. Just wait and hope you’ll be home.
In my eyes, it’s more of your underweight. You don’t care about your size and age. Your ideal weight or normal weight is between 45.5 and 58.1 kg with your 40kg you are 5kg underweight and this is not only unhealthy but also affects your physical development. Especially in puberty, it is very bad to have underweight because many processes slow down and perhaps not even come. I really advise you to increase and get at least 5kg more on it, otherwise consequences could also occur. If you need help then go to the doctor or to nutritional advice.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
This is completely normal at the beginning that the period cannot be seen for a few months. It’s got to settle in.
It is initially completely normal that the period comes very irregular and with long breaks in between. It can also take quite a few years until a somewhat regular cycle has settled. You don’t have to worry about it.
However, you have strong underweight, which can be quite a reason why your period does not come. You should let a doctor explain that. You should have your size at least: weigh 43 kg, better a few more kilos.
Hi dear Cat:-
You are still in the middle of puberty at the age of 14 and it is not uncommon if the period between irregular, only as lubricating bleeding or for a period of time does not come at all. Especially when you first got them, just like you did. It can, of course, also occur earlier or more frequently. Your body changes very strongly in this phase and has to get used to the changes. So it’s quite normal what’s happening to you right now. You don’t have to worry about it 🙂
Until when your cycle has started, you can’t say a lot. Mostly 17 or 18 years old. But of course it can be sooner or later. In addition, stress, weight loss or medicines can naturally also regain the balance of the cycle, which should always be taken into account.
If you are unsure, pain or just worry about your body, you can also make an appointment with a female doctor. This will then be able to tell you exactly if everything is okay with your body. But as already mentioned, it is quite normal that the period during puberty can be very irregular, which is why a visit to the female doctor would not be absolutely necessary.
By the way, you’re neither too big nor too heavy. Size and weight are in your normal range. So everything’s fine.
I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂
Thank you so much for helping me <3
I’m glad to hear that.