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A key in itself cannot be legal. You need a license. Licences are not what one usually sees as “favourable”.
Windows 11, Full Version, License + Key, at Conrad: € 189,99
Such a key is not illegal, rather a gray zone.
Many users see this very blue-eyed. See this:
Yeah, that’s what I wrote.
Volume and OEM keys are the problem.
Retail keys are not a problem.
Therefore, also disputes with Steam, as you should be allowed to sell your games or licenses further.
Keys are not illegal or legal in themselves. They can also be thrown out by random number generator and lucky. But you did not purchase a legal license.
The fact that Microsoft has accepted very long fake keys does not make use legally in the sense of being seated or similar. Apparently, the company earned more than the revenue from the sale by the user’s data. This makes it even more creepy: is it legal what MS actually does?!
Read the articles carefully again.
it says that the origin of such licenses must be detectable and a license card is required. Both are not given with the favorable keys.
In your article it is mostly about volume licenses that are not intended for retail. Then the sale is quickly illegal.
However, the sale of retail keys is NOT illegal at least in Germany.
Licenses go only
And you have to pay them:
rubber ball
How legal are cheap Windows Keys?,3411325.html feature system requirements update-30461119.html#:~:text=from%20Windows%20 -,acts%20Windows%2011%20free%3F,you%20start%20es%20per%20click.