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3 years ago

What you mean are dowels (the “Zaun”), you get online. Make sure it’s not a pinewood.

This root in the picture is a vine, which is available for example at Rodipet.

3 years ago


The on the floor are simple wooden dowels. ðŸ ̃‰ You will get them in the construction market. To stick it you should use the wooden glue Ponal Express, which is not toxic.🙃

The other is a vine wood that you get, for example, in the zoo store or on the Internet. 😊

I hope I could help you. 😄

LG 🤗

3 years ago

These are wooden dowels from the building market, and I got them in the enclosure. It is easy to add with Ponal wood glue, which keeps good, is water resistant and nontoxic.

The other is vine wood, which can be bought in aquarium shops and in animal stores or simply order online.

3 years ago

The one is normal wooden dowels you get in every building market, the other is certainly a root you bought, but don’t ask me where exactly.

3 years ago

There are aquarium roots and such bridges in the zoo trade.