Wo bekommt man die Pille?

Kann man irgendwo die Pille bekommen ohne ein Rezept haben zu müssen? Kann man die nicht einfach kaufen? Mir ist es peinlich zum Arzt zu gehen oder meine Eltern zu fragen.

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2 years ago

No, you can’t just buy them. This is a prescription drug with many possible side effects and it is absolutely sensible that you need to regularly study as a female physician.

2 years ago

The doctor is always the best starting point.
You shouldn’t be embarrassed if you care about contraception.

2 years ago

The pill is a strong drug with potentially violent side effects that there is not without prescription.

2 years ago

The pill is prescription and not without reason.

2 years ago
Reply to  ffffffffff8

Then please read the package leaflet, because most doctors do not really clarify the side effects. Just because for decades everything has been played down, it does not mean that there are no side effects, they are not listed for free. If you think it’s smarties, I hope you don’t get thrombosis.

2 years ago
Reply to  ffffffffff8

If you mean…

2 years ago

You need to get to the doctor with her to be tuned to you

2 years ago


in Germany the pill is subject to prescription. So there is no way to visit the female doctor.

2 years ago

The pill is a hormone preparation and not a slutbone! And there are also 100th varieties! Of course, you have to go to the FA so he can write you the right one.

2 years ago

Meets with friends or other family members 🤷