Wo bekomme Prepaid Kreditkarten?
Ich suche eine prepaid Kreditkarte
Im Netz steht die gibt es in Tabkstellen
Ich war jetzt in 3 Stück, scheinbar stimmt das nicht
Ich möchte auch nichts online dazu kaufen mit Abo Registrierung Verpflichtungen
Einfach in einen Laden, bezahlen und mitnehmen
Hat jemand hier Erfahrung und kann weiterhelfen?
Vielen Dank
There has been no such thing for a long time because there is no point except for money laundering and fraud.
You can get a virtual debit card online in just a few minutes and, if you wish, also send a physical message, completely free of charge, for example here: https://www.flygoo.de/fly/vivid
Maybe this comparison will help you.
https://www.finanztip.de/kreditkarten/prepaid credit card/
I just read that there is something like that in the net market and Kodi.
It’s been a long time.
Actually, they are in (almost) every supermatt!
really, I’m not really looking for it because I have regular credit cards, but I’ve never seen a prepaid credit card – neither in the tank nor in the supermarket.
On the stands with the many different coupon cards there were those at least once, but have not seen any more for a long time.
Among other things, there was the “Joker Card” as a prepaid master card, but it seems to be only offered as a virtual card for online payments: https://www.jokerkartenwelt.novumbankgroup.com/
Then open your eyes at the checkout, where they are mostly!
Yeah, I’ve never seen them before.
What’s that mean?
Prepaid cards!
No, there’s no more. That’s it. That’s nonsense, except you’re criminal.