Wo bekomme ich einen Axolotl her (graz oder weiz) und wieviel kostet sowas?

Ich denke schon eine zeit lang drüber nach mir einen axolotl zuzulegen habe aber ein paar fragen:

1. Wieviel kostet ein axolotl im durschnitt mir wird bis jetzt nur 15-30€ angezeigt.

2. Darf man axolotl einzeln halten? Also einen alleine?

3. Wo bekomme ich axolotl in der nähe von graz/weiz her?

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3 years ago

Good evening:)

1. An axolotl costs around 5-15€. Of course there are also more expensive axolotl.

Two. Yes, you can hold an axolotl alone, as they are single-handed. You could also keep them two or more, that makes the AxDon’t mind. But I have often heard that the axolotl alone is better clear 🙂

3. I recommend looking at Ebay’s classifieds or “Your Animals”. There you can find Axolotl breeders in your area. In the animal store, I would not recommend it at all, as they are often not properly held there, and often bring diseases, as the traders keep them wrong and the temperatures in the aquarium are often too high …

I hope I could help you with your 3 questions, nice evening!

3 years ago

Don’t ask how much an axolotl costs… Ask yourself how much the whole purchase of the stuff you need for him: these are cold water basins where they sit in, you have to have a (good) cooling system – not just for the summer. The complete purchase costs around 800 euros!

In addition, I recommend (dir) in general if you want to get an animal to read you well beforehand. You don’t seem to have done it yet, otherwise you wouldn’t ask for individual attitude or what the animal costs in the purchase.

3 years ago

as it looks, you haven’t been busy enough with these animals. The purchase costs (aquarium, filter, device, cooler!) can cost up to 700€ quickly. There is the single price for an axolotl, which, by the way, should not be kept alone, nor the smallest problem. You should definitely focus more on these animals to see how much work and responsibility it is to take care of them. So, why don’t you ask where you’re taking an art-friendly aquarium, a suitable continuous cooler, a high-performance filter and the right device for the aquarium? Besides, you should ask who cares for the animals when you’re on vacation or what you do when something happens to them. Axolotl also live for a very long time, so you also have to think about the future. What are you doing with them in 10 years?

Axolotl are threatened by extinction in nature, so why does it have to be such a pet? These animals have immense demands that I would never trust a beginner in the field of aquariums.