Wo bekomm ich jetzt das rezept für die Pille her?


Folgendes: ich bin gerade zu meinem Frauenarzt gefahren um mir ein neues Rezept für die Pille zu holen, da ich die am Montag wieder brauche. Im Internet steht, dass geöffnet ist, jetzt hängt allerdings an der Tür ein Schild, dass heute geschlossen ist. Habe es die ganze Woche leider nicht geschafft hinzufahren wegen der Arbeit und nächste Woche hat er nur vormittags auf wo ich auch arbeiten muss.

Wo bekomm ich jetzt ein Rezept her?

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2 years ago

Usually the lady sends you the paper when she knows you. Or the pharmacist will give you the pill when she knows you and you’ll bring the paper. At least that’s how it works with my heart.

2 years ago

Good morning, did he not write a representative doctor? And the pharmacy, where you always redeem the recipe, would you possibly leave a blister of the pill pack until you have the prescription? Try it. I wish you that it will work and greet you.

2 years ago

As has been said, pharmacies also give the medicines out when you’re known or in the system. I’ve been getting my prescription for two years with the family doctor because my female doctor has retired and I haven’t got a new one yet

2 years ago


contact your doctor’s representative. The representative is mentioned on the phone at the announcement. It is either a local colleague or reference is made to telephone number 116117.

Alternatively, you can ask your pediatrician if he’s so cunning and order the pill for you.

2 years ago

In principle, each doctor can give you a prescription for the pill. Theoretically also dermatologists, HNO doctors or psychiatrists. In practice, it is mainly gynecologists and domestic doctors who exhibit such recipes.

I’ll advise you to contact your family doctor. Explain your situation, ask for a prescription and offer it to inform your gynecologist.

2 years ago

You just get a private recipe, that can be your pediatrician.

Or if you’re a client of the same pharmacy as you might even have a customer account, you can ask if you can submit the recipe.

2 years ago

either go to the next general practitioner or call your pharmacy if you can submit a prescription and pay it up to then