Wo am besten im Flugzeug sitzen?

Wo sitzt ihr am Liebsten im Flugzeug und warum ?

Ich habe schonmal gehört, dass es hinten mehr ruckelt als z.B. in der Mitte. Vom Gefühl her würde ich mir gerne mal ein Platz hinten wählen, weil dort meist keiner vor oder hinter einem sitzt.

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3 years ago

It depends.

I have super short transition times then relatively far ahead in the eco because you usually get out and get in and make it different at very short times, especially if you have to control by any means and otherwise are 100 people in front of you.

If I have all the time in the world back then there tends to be something free which means possibly 2 places at the price of one.

3 years ago

At the two rows of seats over the supporting surfaces, the emergency exits and the distances to the front seats are greater.
Good for big people.

3 years ago

It is usually faster to get out;-)
In addition, you can see from the window (in the middle and back you have the wing and the exhaust gases that disturb the view).

3 years ago

Since there are usually the Business/Economy Plus classes.

Or in the middle, where you can look at the wings/drives.

3 years ago

I would sit back because there are usually fewer people sitting there and you can better get out, because there is no crowd that is usually front.

3 years ago

Champagne, wide seats and a little better food 🙂

3 years ago

I’ve never flown before, and I haven’t seen it in the foreseeable future. But in the event of a doubt, I would like to sit as far away as possible from the mandatory write-off.

3 years ago

I like to look at how the flaps work on the wings. Or the view of the engine, I like it too.

3 years ago

I prefer to sit in front (it flies quieter than in the back)…. and on a walkway (I just have more space for my bones).

3 years ago

I don’t care. 😀

3 years ago

Not at all in front, unless you have no wall in front of you.

3 years ago

I never thought about it

3 years ago

When the plane crashes, the Essenstrolli rolls there

3 years ago
Reply to  Reinkanation

To the back?!