Wo am besten auswandern (Südkorea oder USA?
Ich habe schon seit Jahren den Wunsch auszuwandern und möchte mir diesen Traum nach der Ausbildung erfüllen (Einzelhandelskauffrau). Nach der Ausbildung würde ich erst ein paar Jahre arbeiten und dann Auswandern.
Ich habe schon viel recherchiert, allerdings weiß ich nicht welches Land besser ist (Südkorea oder USA).
Bitte nur ernste/hilfreiche Antworten und nicht sowas wie:
– Bleib doch einfach hier
– Also ich will nicht auswandern
(Ich spreche Englisch und lerne Koreanisch)
Liebe Grüße
Of advantage if you could speak the language of the country. Before you emigrate, you can also live there some time to see how it is not just vacation there. Companies are looking for people who work there as “Consulting”.
In the end it is your decision;-)
No. Finally, it is the decision of the authority responsible for the visa there.
This depends on so much more than you gave in context. Migration is a hard thing, which is decided by several points.
can help you clarify individual points, but not fundamental considerations.
I would miss the functioning welfare state both in the USA and South Korea. You have all the possibilities there are. Without a great offer from a company based there, I don’t see any advantage.
That’s why a well-founded “bleib here”
I’d be in the USA. But if Canada is also available, I would probably go to Canada.
Always choose the country that you ato make a walk.
The conditions are very different, but always strict. I will is rare to never a sufficient reason.
Look what you can offer to the countries.
In most cases, these points need to be significantly improved.
It’s too little for the USA. The conditions are much higher.
Have you ever looked at the conditions that need to be met to emigrate in one of these countries? It’s not done with just flying.
Do you speak the national language fluently?
How much capital do you have available?
Complete training, which is also recognized in the other country?
Stay here.
From the 2 South Korea
Please just serious/helpful answers and not like:
– Just stay here LG gadus
better USA