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1 year ago

I’m sorry you have problems with your RC car. It sounds like it has a problem with the engine or the gearbox. It is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis without seeing the car, but there are some things you can try to fix the problem.

First, you should check the batteries and make sure they are fully charged. If the batteries are not fully charged, this can lead to poor performance of the car.

Also try to check the cable connections and make sure they are stuck. If the cable connections are loose, this can lead to a bad performance of the car.

If the problem continues, you can try to check the gear oil quantity and make sure it is at the right level. If the amount of oil is not sufficient, this can lead to a poor performance of the car.

Finally, you can try to check the engine and make sure it’s okay. If the engine does not work properly, this can lead to a bad performance of the car.

I hope these tips will help you fix the problem. Good luck!

1 year ago

First of all, you should limit the error, e.g.: When exactly does it crunch when the wheels are hit or even when it drives straight? Does he ever catch a short ride? Electronics, I’m closing it out, probably wouldn’t make any noise. According to your description, it can be a lot, from a loose motor pinion to sheared drive bones.