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2 years ago

I would put on the original batteries with this very fast 1:14 buggy anyway.

Before all, considering what they cost.
Alternatively, you can measure your battery and search for more well-known alternatives. The question is whether they fit so well.

You also need to keep an eye on the battery weight!

Jonny Hand pimped the 144001. There are videos on Youtube. In general, the 144001 is the most famous car of WLToys. There are plenty of video material.

2 years ago

If you set the front battery stop forward, this goes with the 2 screws on the ground, then you can use a 2S lipo with 2,000 mAh. The must have T plug and you pay attention to the dimensions.

P.S. I asked again this morning someone who knows, the car is Identical with the DF model Z06. Thus, not only the spare parts but also the tuninng parts (metal)