WLAN was brauch ich dafür?
Hallo, ich möchte wlan bei mir zuhause einrichten. Weil ich mich aber damit garnicht auskenne wollte ich fragen was man alles dafür braucht und ob ihr mir vielleicht am besten auch noch links zu allem schicken könntet. Am besten so günstig wie’s geht und das wlan muss auch nicht so gut sein weil ich es nur für 2 Zimmer brauche. Danke schonmal
Normally, if you complete a contract with an internet provider, a technician will come to you, see if everything fits from the cabling, turn your connection free and by post you will get a modem with wlan router which you only have to plug in to the current and to the telephone/cable/glass fiber connection.
In most cases, there is even an idiot-proof guide as you plug it into the current.
All the other comments that advise you to go to the media market and buy a router I find a bit negligent because it can be that it is not compatible with your connection or you buy it for free.
So please complete the contract and see if you don’t get everything you need from the provider provided before you buy anything
You need access to the internet first. The question is where he should come from.
There are many different possibilities here!
If no internet is available, the first step would be to clarify which accesses are already available. If necessary, you should choose a provider.
from 1&1 to Freenet and Telekom to Vodafone gives a wide selection across the alphabet
Here one should clarify what speed I really need, what modalities the respective provider offers. What services do I need?
If it is to be favorable, I recommend that not all too much be on the pauke at speed. 250, 500 or 1000 MBit/s you will not need any security that may be limited. If only about surfing a bit, 50 MBit/s are enough. I’d take 100. There you are on the safe side.
Then you will need if the provider does not read or you don’t have one if there’s already an interenet connection you can use with another WLAN router.
Last but not least, if internet already exists, does an Acesspoint instead of the WLAN router.
As you have read correctly, you need an Internet connection and a router as a basis.
If you want, I can look at what is available to you and advise you on your options without obligation.
If you are interested, please send us Contact form with a callback number. Then we can clarify other upcoming questions personally. :
I’m glad to hear from you.
Isabelle N.
If you complete a contract with an internet provider (dsl, cable or glass fiber), a router is offered for rent or for purchase. The router contains a WLAN module.
A WLAN router and WLAN-enabled terminals.
And if you want to go to the internet, of course you need an internet access.
That’s all? So you don’t have to pay attention to anything else?
Yes, an INternet connection should have the apartment already, otherwise the most beautiful router nix
That’s wrong. You can also use WLAN wonderfully without internet.
Okay, thanks
Simply a router, because they have a WLAN chip installed to 99.99%
But thanks is it important that he is good or could I take one of aliexpress or something? Because Amazon costs some €200 and aliexpress €20
Then get ne AVM 7530AX or if you want to spend money ne 7590AX
And listen to the garbage from AliExpress & Co
Especially at the router, what is going to be smart and above all a device gets the support and there is a good thing at AVM, because the very fast vulnerabilities are stuffed and always upgraded by Furz!OS
at aliexpree in no case, you know, not whether the nets are calibrated.
Buying a Fritzbox at Saturn(Mediamarkt/Cyberport)
Then just go shopping offline. You also get Wi-Fi routers for much less money.
Buy Fritz!Box and follow the assistant. If you don’t get to run the system with their assistants, you can’t live
My son set up our Wi-Fi when he was 11.
Okay, is it complicated to set everything up?
You need a functioning internet connection with a WLAN router.
Here in the link you can read and order everything.
You mean DSL or cable, but no matter 🤣