Wlan Verbindung schwach?
Seit ein paar Tagen ist der WLan Empfang am Laptop seltsam. Tags zuvor lief noch alles top. Nun lassen sich einige Seiten nicht mehr öffnen (googeln geht aber)… Am Handy/Tablet läuft auch alles weiterhin toll…
Weiß jemand woran das liegt? Der Router ist neu…
Since there are no problems with all other devices, the problem is specific to the laptop.
Did you reposition the laptop? How far is he from the router? Is there walls, objects that could weaken the signal?
Even if the laptop is right next to the router, it won’t be better. Yesterday everything went super (Router Ground Floor, Laptop 1st Floor)
Is the laptop connected to the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band? Is the energy saving mode of the laptop active? Try to change the DNS servers in your laptop’s network settings (e.g. Google Public DNS: and Have more devices been integrated into the home network via Wlan?
You’ve written WIE OFT yesterday?
It won’t be better.
So the answer has been written to you more than 1x.
Yesterday it was still!!! *3*
Did you make a W-Lan Speed test? If you don’t do this, you can also make it through websites if it is possible.
If it should only be on the laptop, check which MAC address is used (whether from the device or a coincidence) you should then go to your home (replace devices MAC address)
Does the laptop have a VPN?