Wlan Verbindung öfter weg?


Ich habe das Problem schon länger und mittlerweile geht es mir auf die Nerven und beim Internetanbieter möchte ich nicht nachfragen weil man da ewig auf Antwort warten muss.

Mein WLAN mehrmals die Stunde einfach mal Aussetzer. Man sitzt ganz normal am Handy, WLAN Verbindung ist sehr gut und plötzlich WLAN empfang weg für paar Sekunden und dann kommt der Empfang wieder und die Leistung ist wieder gut. Muss ich da bei den Einstellungen was ändern?

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6 months ago


First of all, see in the report in the router whether the outages come from the network connection – then only the Internet provider can help.

If there are no outages, then it is at the WLAN.

You should choose a different channel in the router or change the band.
With the app Fritz-WLAN you can also view the neighboring Wi-Fi and then also see overlaps of the channels. Then set the own channel so that it lies as far away as possible from the other neighbors.
Usually there is an automatic set. This can cause you to switch over in case of malfunctions – which you notice as a short set-off.

Best regards from Leipzig

6 months ago

Wi-Fi or internet? 2 different things.

if only the wlan connection is gone, there is an error at the access point or repeater. If the Internet is gone, it’s on the provider.

you can test this by looking at your router’s logs and/or by connecting a device to the router. If the connection is also removed there, it is at the provider, or possibly other disturbance. Then it’s best to talk to the providers.

If the wlan is not correct, wlan repeaters may need to be unplaced, or they are defective, or you have to see further.

6 months ago
Reply to  Joiny486

Doesn’t it matter how we get away from the router? Where are you in the house? Z.b if that’s only when you’re gone, but not if you’re next to the router, then it might be a wlan problem. If that doesn’t make any difference, it’s the Internet.
What kind of router do you have, and can you register for it?

6 months ago

I have the problem for a long time and meanwhile I’m looking for the nerves and I don’t want to ask about the internet provider because you have to wait for an answer forever.

It has nothing to do with your Wi-Fi network.
It belongs to you and lies in your responsibility.

My Wi-Fi several times an hour just excavator.

Yeah. Radio connections are stable.

Do I have to change the settings?

Maybe not.
Can’t be judged by your description.

If, then the first step for you would be to reactivate the knowledge in physics with regard to radio.
If you want to read or work in – let me know, then I will send links to basic knowledge.

6 months ago
Reply to  Joiny486

In this case, you should take money in hand and commission a professional.

With this reaction, you have finally certified that either the foundations are too high – or you are too “convenient” to acquire the necessary knowledge.
In this case, you can’t reach anything anymore. 🤷

But thanks for the feedback – then I don’t need to invest any more time in you.

6 months ago

Here it must be distinguished whether it really is the internet or the WLAN.

Since rarely or as good as never the internet is really gone, it will be on the WLAN.
And there is no responsibility for this.
Why would he?
Legally, he delivers the Internet to the router and that was.

House cabling and WLAN are always the user responsible for this.
Should the provider play Ghostbusters or what?


Before complaining about the inadequate Wi-Fi connection, as many people here do, who have little or only poor knowledge, it would be advisable to familiarize themselves with the basics of WLAN and its functioning.

As a rule, such questions prove to be meaningless or self-explanatory.

There are many things that can affect the WLAN signal, including mirrors, reflective materials, thickness walls, routers that are not properly set up, and and and.

The majority of users only use the factory settings of their router. This may initially be sufficient, but in the case of WLAN interruptions or insufficient speed, an examination of the subject of WLAN should take place in order to make adjustments where appropriate.

It seems to me unwise to complain about WLAN while at the same time you do not have any knowledge about the Internet and its basics.