WLAN schnell, aber Gastzugang langsam?

Wir haben eine Wärmepumpe bekommen, die via Gastzugang an unser WLAN (Fritzbox 7490) angeschlossen werden muss. Dafür hat unser Vermieter einen WLAN-Verstärker bis in den Keller eingerichtet. Unten im Keller ist das normale WLAN seitdem schnell, aber der Gastzugang unverändert langsam. Woran kann das liegen und wie kann ich das (evtl. über die Fritzbox) beheben? (5 GHz Kanal ist mit aktiviert)

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4 months ago

A WLAN amplifier usually only increases a WLAN network, so you need a second amplifier for the guest network.

In addition, it is also necessary to note that the amplifier is not installed too far, as this requires sufficient signal strength to the main WLAN network.

An alternative to this would also be if you could place a cable into the basement and then install a second access point/router there, then you don’t need an amplifier and can also position it out of the reach of the main WLAN network.

Another possibility would also be via PowerLAN, i.e. to share the network via the power supply and then create a WLAN network from the PowerLan receiver (there are devices that have already integrated an AccesPoint/router)

4 months ago

If you could, then you need to reset the amplifier once and adjust it only to the guest WLAN. But if it sits right next to the router (within 2-3m) then the amplifier actually makes little sense, since it hardly increases the range, then you can put it in the neighboring room or behind the next calf.