Wlan Router?

Gude. Wisst ihr warum mein wlan nicht geht ich hab einen Router und es wird mei auch alles angefügt sowohl bei Router als auch beim Handy. Aber habe kein wlan und es kam plötzlich so. Ich hab ihn 2 mal aus und wieder an

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5 months ago

The image shows that your Wlan is active. The radio signal is emitted by the router. If he’s not online, the Wlan won’t help you.

The routers LED are there for this. On the router platforms you also usually have a fault display.

5 months ago

The “wireless radio link” from smartphone to router is called “WiFi connection“. This WLAN connection works, you are connected to the router.

The connection of the router to the Internet is called “Internet access“. This internet access does not seem to work.

What now?

  • Check the LED display (online, DSL, ….) directly on the router. Do the little lambs light on the router properly? Or it flashes red or even out.
  • Check cable on the router. Especially the DSL cable to the telephone box or coaxial cable to the cable connection.
  • Call the configuration page of the router with a browser (this configuration page also works without internet!!!). The web address of the configuration page (e.g. ) and also the login data are on the router sticker (if not changed yet).
  • On the configuration page of the router look into the log or LOG (somewhere under system/events or systems messages). There the error or failure of the internet is determined. Then contact the provider to repair or control it.

Good luck!

5 months ago

You’re connected to the Wi-Fi.

5 months ago
Reply to  Lea62622955

Yeah, but it’s okay.

Yes, the WLAN goes, you’re connected.

WLAN has nix to do with internet access.