Wlan Passwort wird als falsch angezeigt?

Hallo, als ich aufgewacht bin hab ich gesehen das mein Handy aus dem wlan ausgeloggt war. Ich wollte mich wieder einloggean aber da stand andauernd dass das passwort falsch wäre obwohl es das nicht ist.

Woran könnte das lieqgen Danke im voraus😊

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10 months ago

Often, the device password to open the router interface is confused with Wlan network key.

Since you also write Wlan password, I think that should be the problem.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ddlion

Only that is the SSID, so the Fritzbox name stop fritzbox kdg. Why kdg knows maximum you.

You can configure it yourself. On the FB surface, the SSID On e.g. Ddlion and the Wlan password wherever. But then PC/Handy and others Give the nine data. I’d leave.

However, if you don’t connect to the internet, your Wlan terminal will no longer be connected to the Fritzbox. This can print (if your printer Wlan can) but no longer.

The Fritzbox has to connect to the Internet, specifically to a server. She needs access data that you got from your provider. You can see the status on the Router LEDs, the instructions are listed in the manual. They are actually self-explanatory.

10 months ago

Someone in your network might have changed the key. Connect your PC to the router (Ethernet cable) and see if you still get to the surface.

If yes: Change the Wlan key

If no: reset the device to working condition.

10 months ago

Restart the phone or reset the network settings? Restarting the Router/Accesspoint?

If that doesn’t change: who has all access to your access point and could have changed the password?