WiFi Austria?

Hi, I've moved and need Wi-Fi. My plan is through A1.

Does it matter which router I use? How do I register for Wi-Fi? Since I still have 4G, I can't accept every offer. But jvh doesn't want to stay with A1.

What would you recommend, a fixed Wi-Fi connection at home or a mobile one?


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8 months ago

Doesn’t it matter which router I take? How does WLan function to log in. Since I still have 4G, I can’t accept any offer. At A1 jvh doesn’t want to stay.

Yes, the providers in most cases provide a device that is already preconfigured. But if the line at your address is unlocked from the provider you can take any router than you want.

I can recommend Fritzbox, good routers, very easy to set up.

At A1 jvh doesn’t want to stay.

Should you also not, total idiotic prices for so little performance, I can recommend Spusu those have very great contracts at reasonable prices. A1 is compared to all other providers who require the most money.

Just go on their side, enter your address and you see if they offer something and how much.

8 months ago
Reply to  Kalbsleber

So I can only report from my own experience. We took Spusu, Fritzbox router was connected and set up and went everything.

With Wi-Fi you have unlimited Internet in all rates, only the speed is different.

8 months ago

Just call A1 and ask. They should be here now.

What you quoted does not refer to the mobile radio contract to WLAN

8 months ago

Assoo, someone has to come by to set up, or I got that wrong now. The support wrote to me,

If you want a solid Wi-Fi, then someone has to set it up, but even if you never had Wi-Fi before. Spusu also handles A1 if you want to.

8 months ago

Better is, of course, a fixed net internet but this only goes if you have the connection for it in the apartment and if you can sign it on the address that would be zb Kabel Plus. If you don’t have to use Mobile Internet

8 months ago

For a stable internet connection, you use fixed WLAN if you are more flexible or mobile then a mobile router would be better.

8 months ago
Reply to  ywreak


8 months ago
Reply to  Kalbsleber

Take a look at tarife.at and compare fares.

8 months ago

5G is of course backward compatible.