wlan geht nicht windows 11?
seit vorgestern abend geht mein Wlan nicht mit werden zwar alle netzwerke angezeigt aber wenn ich mich verbinden will steht nur „gesichert, keine verbindung mit diesem netzwerk möglich“ bin echt verzweifelt und hoffe hier auf hilfe. Treibe habe ich auch schon probiert zu aktualisieren nix gebracht. (ich habe einen netzwerk adapter)
MfG paul
The problem can be on the router. Although other devices such as cell phone come into the Internet without any problems, a PC cannot log in.
There’s a stack in the router. Just turn the router off and on again. It usually helps.
I’ve experienced this a dozen times with customers.
The second option is a DHCP problem.
The router and the PC can’t talk properly. Then it helps to assign a fixed IP. I know that more about Apple devices. They sometimes have WLAN problems with their cheap network chips. At least the older devices.
But a fixed IP has always helped.
As a first attempt, I would put a hotspot with a mobile phone and check a connection.
When it comes to the WLAN of the router.
If it doesn’t, it’s on the PC.
You can see
also does not work
Then it must be on the PC.
Firewall switched off once?
I will try after
Delete network profiles and try new
yap has also helped nix
Log in to the router and check DHCP configuration.
If the address pool is documented by already connected devices, all unused deletions. Also here, consider whether a violation of the DHCP address pool makes sense.
No IP awarded = no Internet.
If the address pool was the problem, WLAN would have to work via phone. According to TE, daa does not work. This does not speak for a router
Hello Paul,
the antenna or the WLAN adapter seems to be defective or adjusted.
What about Bluetooth connections?
Can you connect the PC with a network line to the router or repeater?
To better limit the mistake?
so why always my pc has not even bluetooth haha is not displayed at least in the bar bottom left. The cable with the LAN becomes nix… otherwise it would have to pass through 2 walls or 2 doors
It was just a question.
At least the antennas could have been tested and excluded.
You can also go with the mountain to the prophet.
You can also carry the PC to the router.
Or just try a repeater.
You can restart the router
already happened again, nix helped
Uninstall drivers, restart.