WLAN 5GHz Reichweite zu gering?
Wir sind von Kupferleitung etwa 30 mbits download jetzt auf Glasfaser gewechselt.Vertragt sagt 1000mbits es kommen aber mit Direktverbindung an Router nur knapp über 100 an.Mein PC steht 2 Räume weiter.Jetzt wollte ich da ins WLAN , dort kommen aber nur noch 15 mbits an , also die hälfte als vorher mit Kupfer.Powerline geht nicht weil da was mit den Steckdosen nicht klappt.Grund für das langsame WLAN in meinem Zimmer ist , dass das WLAN von 5 GHz und 400mbits auf 2,4 GHz und 15 mbits absinkt.Kann man die range von den 5 GHz erhöhen in den Router settings oder so?Nach testen habe ich festgestellt , dass das 5 GHz Signal ohne hindernisse nur etwa 3m weit reicht.Ist das nen Fehler oder ist die range wirklich nur so groß?Danke schonmal für antworten. Anbieter ist btw free in Frankreich.Router ist glaube aus 2013 aber haben den jetzt erst seit 2 Tagen
If you would write now
there are only over 100 routers. (read out)
Would that be a provider problem, but what is direct connection?
My router has both 2.4 udn 5 Ghz because it works just turn one off.
What’s going on
Here is a list of very good data transfer, to leave the fingers of it.
1 Lan cable
is not beaten, perpendicular to the stairs or horizontally along the ceiling. Even the cheapest barbars have 2 grooves for cable guidance. There are now flat ones that fit into the door.
2 Accesspoint
, can also be an old router, a repeater, which must then be set up. They’ll get the signal over a Lan cable and then give Wlan out.
3 mesh
4 Dlan.
an adapter becomes a single one! plugged near the router and then gets the signal via Lan cable from the router. He sends this into the power grid of the second or more adapters then give you, no matter what power outlet from the house, Wlan.
It doesn’t always work. (here it is at point 4) but that it is an ingenious variant. You should try. Order adapter online, you have right to return.
5 repeaters.
Repeaters are often referred to as Wlan amplifiers in sale. That makes KD have little idea of matter, of course. You can’t strengthen the Wlan. German routers send full Wlan Strength Repeaters only extend the Wlan range. Since normal, even the simplest speedports of Deutsche Telekom (some came from the A&V 20€) make good 12/13 m, most of them is pointless money.
And there is still a serious problem. The repeater must be perfectly placed, so it has direct “sight contact” to the router, not to any socket. Far enough away to not disturb each other and close enough to get about 50% Wlan strength. Any lift to the dust wiper can screw this up.
You got an apartment. Then come from the neighbors around Wlan and then the repeater comes to it. There is less Wlan strength than without repeater.
Further sources of interference for the Wlan.
It also depends extremely on which channel. If I were to take the 36-40 negotiated by the Fritze (6690) automatically for the Wifi6 5GHz, it would not be much due to the environment variables.
Only when I tested all the channels empirically – and for us here the channel 112 as the best one – are also going on and some of the rooms are still really what.
For example, in one room I still have (Home) office space separated from the router and reproducibly the full performance of the GBit via Wifi6 (up to 140MB/s can also be realized via large downloads).
It should be said that we have 30 devices distributed over 2.4/5GHz in the household.
Hello – try this network page: Speedtest Apps: Our Internet Speed Test, available on a variety of platforms. You can also use this network page: Speedmeter.de – Measuring the real Internet speed with DSL Speedtest Test. Here: Internet Speed Test: Test your broadband connection (speed test) – nPerf.com you can also test your network speed. What’s wrong with speed? You mean 100 megabits (plural). On which network page, have you even tested your speed? Can you link the network page, please? That would be optimal.
The optimal is first to test with a LAN cable directly on the modem via your stationary computer (designated as a “desktop” in the foreign language). Modem extends completely here, as the newer devices have all the distributors (will be called “router” in the foreign language)! Whether this is only the protocols or the 3 to 4 LAN connections with the radio, etc., doesn’t matter.
There are 2 types of signal amplifiers (called “repeater” in the foreign language). The one only amplifies the signal via radio! The other uses the power line as LAN cable. They are referred to in the foreign language as “powerline” (current line). Also, they can forward the radio signal normally, should you not catch a closed circuit from socket to socket.
The 4 network pages listed below, clarify some things:
What modem (name identifier is it exactly? Either a sticker is attached below or behind the modem in which such things stand on it. It is best to link to the manufacturer’s network sider. I’ll take an example. I’m with Vodafone.de | Mobile phones & Internet providers (formerly cable BW purchased by Unitymedia & by Vodafone). My fare is 2Play FLY 1000. Used cable modem: FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable | AVM Germany is from the manufacturer: All for home network | AVM Germany.
With this: FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable | AVM Germany, I have the full bandwidth via the LAN cable to receive & send! 1126,4 megabits (plural) per second, yield approx. 141 megabytes (plural) per second, I can receive (is called “down stream” in the foreign language)!
Your network provider, you can also link (is called “link” in the foreign language), which is definitely better than to describe the name of the company. It’s best for you to do it the way I linked everything.
If the reception speed remains at 100 megabits via LAN cables, your network provider must send a technician & solve the problem or locate the error, etc.
See this more as a guide!
Until the days.
There are devices to amplify the signal
What’s that?
Can be good
Repeaters halve the bandwidth. At the expense of signal amplification. If you don’t want to lose, just pull cables and move Access Poibt or place a really clever Tri Band Mesh, which isn’t favorable
5Ghz does not have such a wide range as 2.4ghz.
Repeater could help. (But then you can also be positioned where reception from the router still comes and not in the room where the signal is already too weak.)
You can’t set anything except the channel.
Problem is stop, the next outlet to the router is 3m away and there it is only degree there.
“Can you make the repeater in multiple plugs?”
Because I want this for my gaming PC and that counts ping
Can you also have 2 in succession and how does it affect latency or speed?