With a skydiving license also a paragliding license?

If you have an unrestricted skydiving license, don’t you also have a paragliding license at the same time, because you usually have a paragliding parachute with you when you skydive and it’s up to me when I open the parachute, so I could also open it immediately after jumping out of the plane and thus make a paragliding flight?

Thanks for your answers!

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12 years ago

Although a surface parachute is quite similar to a parachute from the construction, the two nevertheless do not represent the same category of air sports equipment. A paraglider has a much larger surface than a parachute and is not designed to be opened in free fall. Different licenses are required for both air sports equipment.

In the case of parachute jumping (skydiving), the focus is strongly on the free fall. The screen often only serves to survive the landing. 😉 Accordingly, in a parachute training, you also learn to move in free fall, e.g. increase/reducing the fall speed, change your position, move over the ground (tracking), etc.

12 years ago

with a parachute license, you can’t officially fly paragliding screens. Although there are, of course, large parallels in construction, control, flight behavior are two different sports. Paragliding has a lot to do with Thermik (winding) while you want to land safely during parachute jumping, and you can’t use thermals to lift up, as parachutes are smaller and just have to stop the free fall and allow safe landing.
Nevertheless, I recommend you parachute jumping as it is more interesting from my point of view and it is not so boring. In addition, you are bound to geographic factors (Berge). Here is a directory with places to speing:
