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The other answers can already see what it is. Just as a hint: Next time you can find out with Flightradar24 app. There is also an AR function that allows you to keep the camera on the object and then see which aircraft it is.
If you want to give me location, time and direction, I can also see what has flown there.
Ok thank Suhl 15:56 towards Southwest 183 grad
Come on with the A380. Can’t send pictures in comments. Inserted the screenshot in my reply.
How do you know it’s NO plane? The normal travel height of aircraft is about 30,000/35,000 to 42,000 feet.
That would be about 9,000 to 13,000 meters, so 9 to 13 kilometers. There is no helicopter or aircraft flying at this level with piston or propeller. So what else would it be? I don’t think it’s a UFO. I don’t think it’d be a bad idea.
I’m sorry nh isn’t a Ufo, but is a meteorite? And the plane almost didn’t move over half an hour
All right. It’s not necessary to be sorry. And a meteorite wouldn’t pull a whistle behind you that you see on your pictures.
Obviously, in my opinion, the pictures are a multi-jet aircraft. I’d tap a four-beamer.
Looks like a 4 spotlight for me like A380.
It’s 100% a plane.
But it moves away from you at the same angle of view, you look almost “from behind”. The perspective is deceived.
Yeah okay pity 😔
Of course it’s a plane. Maybe one that just leaves fuel.
But it didn’t move over half an hour and you just see the silence? Couldn’t it be a meteorite?
This is my controller after I lost in FIFA
With me also Bro