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10 months ago

Imagine the next promotion.

Who is more likely to encourage a boss: Person A, who has never mentioned a word of interest, or Person B, who has expressed interest, has asked for suggestions for improvement in order to prepare and be active.

As a manager, you have to take responsibility, lead people, and even address unpleasant situations, how should a boss trust you if you can’t even plan or appeal to your own future?

So, yes, say that.

Consider what you want to achieve as the next step, as your time (realistic!) Plan for what you think is missing. Then arrange an appointment with your boss to talk about your perspectives in the company, introduce him your plan and ask him what you think you need to work on and how he assesses your plan.

So he knows you’re interested, and you may be able to take appropriate seminars for preparation. In addition, you can see how your boss is about to expect support or not.

10 months ago

Absolutely. The basic prerequisite for developing an employee is its interest in such a development.

You may never be asked by someone and your own initiative is always good.

Make an appointment to present your ambitions. You will also learn if your boss can imagine you in a management function, that creates clarity. Ask for ways to optimize your skills.

Good preparation is everything. You should know what you want and what you can and what you need to learn.

10 months ago

Well, if you want to go on You let him know

10 months ago

If you want to get a post, you shouldn’t just wait.