Business law or industrial engineering?

Hello folks,

I need your help and would like your opinion. I'm torn between studying business law and industrial engineering. Initially, I wanted to study business law, but I'm concerned about the future and job search. When I look at job advertisements in this field, they often require a law degree with a state examination.

My concern is that commercial lawyers might have less recognition, less pay, and less job opportunities. Do you have experience in this field?

After completing my bachelor's degree, I would like to pursue a master's degree. Here are the master's programs offered at my university:

• International Law and Business (LL.M.)

• Law, Human Resources Management and Personnel Psychology (MA)

• Finance, Tax and Company Law (LL.M.)

• Sustainability and Risk Management (M.Sc.)

Or do you think that industrial engineering is the better choice?

I look forward to your feedback 🙂

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8 months ago

With both courses you go a good way.

As you have already mentioned, we are not legal experts, and economic engineers are not the right “ingenieers” in the sense.

Nevertheless, both in their branch are of great importance. I’d give you advice in your circle to look at people who have such careers behind them and ask for their opinion. Because their possibility is so great that they cannot be described in detail here.

My Opinion: Look what you like more, do you like technology? then Wing

Do you like law ? Then maybe complete law studies? Besides, it is possible as a wing to get in touch with rightly, or as an economist with technology (Paten gedönst for a tech company). But from my experience you have more job opportunities than Wing. This is only a personal assessment 🙂

8 months ago

Lawyers will be massively replaced by AI.

8 months ago
Reply to  Keine438

I’m not an expert in career choice, but I’ve seen a report on AI in which it was said that AI can find and interpret law texts much faster in the future than a dozen (then increasing proportional to development) lawyers.

Similar forecasts were made on the economy.

Study something with engineering.