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No, I wouldn’t. Because a person with whom you don’t want to do anything with the person I wouldn’t meet.
No, because I wouldn’t even meet this person if I didn’t want to do anything with her anymore. But if I could meet this person in the street by chance, then yes – I would ignore them.
Ne, I generally don’t look at anyone
Not that you could misunderstand.
@ How should I understand your answer? Can you express yourself more clearly?
You can see someone in the eyes to signal him more, I wouldn’t.
@ So, if you look at one you don’t want to do with, it means you want to do with the person again? Right?
Why not. See no reason why I shouldn’t do it
@ And why would you look the person in the eye if you didn’t want to do anything with the person anymore?
Why not?
@ Then you look at every person who doesn’t like you?
I don’t have to want anything from the person when I look at her
@ and why? You want something from the person? Or did you forget that you have to look the person in the eyes?