Wirkungsweise dieses Generators?
Ich weiß schon, das es eine Induktion ist. Könnte mir, aber jemand es genauer erklären als nur wie im Internet steht, das durch Drehung des Magneten eine Spannung in der Spule induziert wird?
Danke schon mal im voraus 🙂
Induction law
In this case, the enclosed B field changes in the coils when the magnet is rotated.
The alternating voltages produced are each phase-shifted by 120°.
Since the magnetic flux density is strongest at the ends of the magnet and the north and south pole alternate, an alternating voltage is created, right?
You can say that. This is very nice, you can’t turn the magnets
A voltage is only a difference of the number of electrons. The magnetic field of one pole presses when the coil passes away the electrons. The other pole pulls her back. Large magnetic field, large coil = large voltage. Faster turning equal to higher frequency. This is very simplified, but I think this is the trivial experience.
Here, three-phase current is generated because the coils are offset by 120°.