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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Hexahydrocannabinol is a single active ingredient. You can call it cannabinoid, but not Weed.

The reports so far go in the direction that HHC acts like THC, but is somewhat less potent. Now, of course, you don’t always know what exactly consumers consume here. The market is completely unregulated, which is why it is not absolutely clear how the stuff that people take is assembled. This makes it difficult to identify reliable data on this substance.

Here it is possible to test this substance under certain circumstances; Free and anonymous:

Maybe interesting:All information about Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC),

What is HHC? The truth about hexahydrocannabinol! Are you getting high? Is it legal? – Weedo TV

2 years ago

I can speak ais experience. It’s pretty strong. It’s not different from normal grass. You should try it.