Wirkt Vomex wie Codein?
Ich habe gehört Vomex könne man nicht verschreibungspflichtig und wirkt gleich wie Codein. Was hat das drinn?
Ich habe gehört Vomex könne man nicht verschreibungspflichtig und wirkt gleich wie Codein. Was hat das drinn?
Hallo Ich habe heute meine erste Zigarette geraucht mir wurde leicht schwindlig und ich habe ein bisschen gehustet nur wie entsteht da jetzt eine Sucht ich habe nicht das Verlangen nochmal zu rauchen. Danke im voraus
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Wenn man Hustensaft aus einer normalen Apotheke hat und eine Sprite Flasche und man es mischt kann dadurch eine Droge hergestellt
Vomex contains the active ingredient dimenhydrinate, which has nothing to do with codein. Dimenhydrinate has certain similarities with diphenhydramine, an active substance which is associated with the delirantiene. Dimenhydrinate is less potent, but even more dangerous due to additional splashing component.
Although drug use is always associated with certain risks, it should be noted that the consumption of delirantien besoners is risky. Delirantium comes from Delirium and describes nothing beautiful or pleasant.
It is possible to bring about states in which one is absolutely inaccurate and represents a danger to oneself and others.
you can explain the bit easier
What exactly?
Yes, I can confirm! Don’t take any of the sex
A trip is anything but pleasant
Have experience with
No Vomex doesn’t look like codein. In my experience it looks more like benzos (Xanax, Valium,…) It is an antihistaminic, so it works completely different. Vomex is not so strong, as there are better alternatives. e.g. diphenhydramine, which is a similar active substance, only stronger and without focus on refractive stimulus suppression. (available without prescription)
No, it’s not the same.
Vomex contains dimenhydrinate, a salt of diphenhydramine, which is an antihistaminic agent. Codein contains, as you may think correctly, codein, a weak opiate.
Dimenhydrinate blocks in the brain the receptors for the messenger substance histamine, so crush reflexes and nausea are inhibited.
Codein in turn binds to opioid receptors to inhibit the cough center in the brain stem.
Hey :
Nee vomex can never be compared with codein
The only common thing that both have is that both are tired
In derex is Dimenhydrinat in
And codein is an opiate
If you want to intoxicate yourself with vomex, it has almost only negative effects, then all of them guess. You already have to overdose hard to have these effects and this is quite dangerous
Unfavorable hallucinations (insects, spining)
Very negative feelings, confusedness, to panikatakken
Codein, on the other hand, looks more soothing, relaxing, no hallucinations, anxious
And the stuff you get from the recently prescribed one has stimulus coughs
Or you can get it in any drugstore in Holland
Or in Switzerland it is free
However, the effect of the two substances is not comparable to that of codein.
Hello, there’s Dimenhydrinat inside. This is a delirant, therefore, that basically triggers horror-like hallucinations that are not different from reality. The Dimenhydrinate Trip is very unpleasant. This has nothing to do with Codein.
The hallucinations of Vomex look like this: