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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

LSD is not measured in “Ganzen” or “Halben”, but in micrograms. The threshold value dose from which effects can be noticed is in the range of 15 μg. In some, rather higher, in some, rather lesser. Just below this dose, one speaks of a microdose which does not have any noticeable effects, but should have an underswelling effect. Unclear how much of it is placebo.

Note that a whole felt never contains as much active ingredient as a dealer claims. There can be more or less large deviations due to production and storage. Accurate dosing is not really possible with this illegal product anyway. In addition, the active substance on the felt can also be unevenly distributed. This means that a halving of the felt does not necessarily correspond to a halving of the dose. This is the most reliable way to make a solution. See here:

Apart from that, not only does the dose play a role in how a substance acts. In addition, surroundings (Setting), genetics, gender, weight, emotional and physical condition, daily form and expectations (Set) and any reconciliation effects relevant factors.

Or short: depends.

General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

2 years ago

Yeah, why not? If the LSD is well distributed on the cardboard, I don’t see a problem.

LG, TheDarkerAXK

2 years ago

Lsd always looks the question is just whether the dosis is high enough to notice something about it

Half a cardboard is not a quantity given there could be any quantity inside as well you should note that the lsd could be unevenly distributed on the cardboard

2 years ago

No, you should be quarters.