Wirkt der Zitronensaft gleich?

Ich hab gehört dass man täglich 1 Glas Zitronenwasser trinken soll, weil das gut für das Immunsystem und so ist. Wirkt das auch wenn ich den Zitronensaft in einen Smoothie oder etwas zu essen rein mach oder muss es das Zitronenwasser sein?

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3 months ago

A few years ago, I started making a tea from a lemon slice (with shell) and 2-3 thin slices of ginger each morning. I’ll take honey to it. Ever since he had a serious cold again. Seems to spark.

3 months ago

I heard you should drink 1 glass of lemon water every day because it’s good for the immune system and so.

that’s nonsense. in lemons is not too much particularly valuable, which one could not take on others wisely and which is not so bad for the slime and the teeth.