Does a septum straightening make the nose narrower?
Does the nose become slightly narrower when corrected or straightened from the front view?
Does the nose become slightly narrower when corrected or straightened from the front view?
I have a dust mite allergy, and my nose has been blocked for several months. I've tried several nasal sprays, but none of them really help. I'm also taking cetirizine, and that doesn't help either. Do you have any tips?
Hello, I have a yellowish, solid nasal mucus that I can barely get out by blowing my nose. Is it serious? Kind regards.
War gestern beim HNO-Arzt und er hatte festgestellt das ich einen entzündeten Lymphknoten habe, daher nehme ich auch seit gestern Antibiotika ein. Seine Empfehlung wäre aber, dass ich ins Krankenhaus gehe, damit ich eine Infusion bekomme. Ich habe keine anderen Symptome, außer halt der Schmerz, wenn ich auf die Stelle drauf drücke. Meine Frage wäre…
I first went to the doctor, who told me to take ibuprofen and it would go away on its own. Then I went to the emergency room because I was in so much pain, and they prescribed me amoxicillin, which unfortunately didn't help. Have any of you ever had something similar in your throat? It…
Sometimes I hear myself breathing or talking in one ear. It always happens when my nose is blocked or something, or when I have mucus in my throat. It's such a nasty feeling. Is there any way to get rid of it?
Hallo ich habe seit wochen schnupfen, das ist aber eh ein Dauerzustand bei mir wegen Nasenspray sucht… das ist eine andere Geschichte. Also meine Symptome sind Schnupfen und ein schleimiger Hals. Das war’s keine Halsschmerzen und auch kein wirklicher Husten. Ich habe Asthma und vllt liegt das einfach auch a den Pollen die Symptome? zumindest…
No, no, no, no.
No. On the outside view of the nose nothing changes. You get better air through your nose, and that’s not to be underestimated.